How To Start Trading Stocks As A Complete Beginner

நீங்கள் தற்பொழுது உலகின் முதன்மை வலைதளமான தமிழ்ஷோ உடன் இணைந்து உள்ளீர்கள்.நீங்கள் இங்கு உங்களுக்கு பிடித்தமான வீடியோக்களை காண நாங்கள் உத்திராவாதம் .நீங்கள் செய்யவேண்டிய வேலை ஒன்றே ஒன்று தான்.இந்த பக்கத்தில் சுமார் 30-45 நொடிகள் வரை காத்திருக்க வேண்டி வரும்.காரணம் ஒரே நேரத்தில் அதிகப்படியான நமது பயனர்கள் நமது வலைத்தளத்துக்குள் செல்லும் பொழுது நமது வலைத்தளம் சரியாக இயங்க முடியாது.நீங்கள் மெதுவான வேகத்தில் நமது வலைத்தளம் திறப்பதை நீங்கள் முன்பே பார்த்து இருப்பீர்கள்

ஆகவே நாங்கள் இந்த மாதிரி பக்கங்களை நீங்கள் பார்வையிடும் போதும் , ஒரு 30-45 நொடிகள் காத்திருந்து செல்லும் போதும் ஒரே நேரத்தில் பயனர்கள் உள் நுழைவது தடுக்க படுகிறது.நமது வலைத்தளமும் சரியா இயங்க வழிவகை செய்யும்.ஆகவே நீங்கள் முழு ஒத்துழைப்பு தந்து எங்களது சேவையை பயன்படுத்திக்கொள்ளுமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம்

ஒரு 30-45 நொடிகள் காத்திருப்புக்கு பின்பு , உங்களுக்கு தேவையான இடத்திற்கு செல்லும் லிங்க் அதுவாகவே உருவாகும். அதன் பிறகு அதை கிளிக் செய்து செல்லவும்

உங்களுக்கு சந்தேங்கங்கள் அல்லது பிரச்சினைகள் அல்லது சிரமங்கள் ஏதுவாக இருப்பின் எங்களை உடனடியாக எங்களை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்

தொடர்புக்கு :

In the realm of stock trading, navigating through the sea of information can be daunting. There’s an abundance of resources such as complimentary ebooks, paid courses, and dubious content creators on platforms like YouTube. Here in my personal space, I’ve recently acquired this, um, knowledge.

Deciphering between reliable and unreliable information can be incredibly challenging. Having personally faced this predicament, I found it immensely frustrating. Hence, I’ve taken it upon myself to create this precise video.

My aim is to eliminate the noise and provide you with a comprehensive guide from A to Z on how to commence stock trading as a novice. I won’t adopt the conventional approach of packaging this information for sale at a hefty price. The best part? This series is entirely free.

Free. Free. Free.

Did I mention it’s free? Having traded for approximately eight years, I can attest to the overwhelming volume of information one must sift through. My task is to simplify this information so that you can grasp as much as possible in the shortest time frame.

At least, that’s the objective. There’s one recurring question I receive daily from budding traders in the comments section. One question echoes persistently from trader to trader.

And that question is: How much capital do I need to commence trading? The answer might surprise you. Is it $100? $1,000 perhaps? Oh! Could it be $10,000? My word. What if I told you the answer is zero dollars? Allow me to elucidate.

A common mistake made by novice traders is diving into the market with their life savings sans experience. They’re enticed by the glamorous portrayal of trading on platforms like TikTok, only to realize, after losing their entire investment, that it’s not for them.

Subsequently, they abandon trading altogether. Sadly, this scenario befalls the majority of traders. However, I’m here to offer you a solution to avoid this fate entirely.

Enter trading simulators or paper trading—a platform where you can execute trades using virtual funds. This allows you to experiment with different strategies, refine risk management techniques, master emotional control, or explore various trading styles such as shorting. Most new traders overlook this crucial step.

Honestly, it’s the cornerstone of becoming a proficient trader. That’s why I emphasize it as the first step. Several trading simulators exist, some paid, some free. My top recommendation is Weeble’s due to its user-friendly interface and, frankly, because I like the name Weeble.

So, I suggest giving it a try. Additionally, I believe they offer 12 free shares of stock for first-time sign-ups, which is a nice bonus. I’ll provide a link in the description if you want to explore their trading simulator. No, this video isn’t sponsored by Weeble. I simply endorse it for those without a trading simulator.

Now, onto the next step: immerse yourself in paper trading on Weeble. Treat the virtual funds as if they were real capital. Apply the concepts I’m about to elucidate in this video series. But don’t stop there.

Document every trade meticulously. For losing trades, analyze what went wrong. Did greed cloud your judgment? Did you ignore your stop loss? Did emotions override your rationality? Did you stray from your predefined rules? Document every detail.

For every trade. The more comprehensive, the better. This practice will expedite your growth as a trader exponentially. Similarly, record your successful trades. Identify the strategies that worked and strive to replicate them.

Initially, don’t fixate on monetary gains. Focus solely on refining your trading strategy, enhancing it, and absorbing as much knowledge as possible. Success in profitability will naturally follow suit.

This simple yet profound step will propel you ahead of countless novice traders on the learning curve. Trust me; it’s a game-changer. Every aspiring trader should embrace it. That concludes my first step on embarking on stock trading as a complete beginner.

I’m contemplating expanding this into a comprehensive video series covering every aspect of becoming a successful trader. From risk management to trading psychology, chart analysis, market dynamics, candlestick patterns, and various trading strategies—everything you need to know as a novice trader.

If you’re interested in such a series and this video garners a thousand likes, I’ll proceed with creating a comprehensive blueprint on learning to trade stocks from scratch.

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